Wisdom teeth emerge between the ages of 17 and 25 in most people and even later in some people. There is insufficient space in the oral cavity for the molar to emerge and grow straight. It may not emerge properly. In such conditions you experience wisdom tooth pain. You can manage pain and live with the tooth but extraction may be a better idea.
What causes pain?
The normal condition for a tooth is to grow upright. Wisdom teeth emerge the last and have limited space to grow straight. This leads to impaction. Impaction can be of different types and invariably causes discomfort as well as pain.
Horizontal impaction: Instead of growing upright your wisdom tooth grows horizontally. In the process it exerts pressure on the other teeth. You experience discomfort and as the tooth grows you will feel pain.
Mesial impaction: In this condition the tooth grows at an angle and presses against the other neighbouring tooth. The pressure causes pain in that tooth. Further, the root of the mesially impacted wisdom tooth can touch the inferior dental nerve and cause excruciating pain.
Distal impaction: In this condition the tooth may or may not emerge fully. However, it grows at an angle away from the neighboring tooth. Its root exerts pressure on the normal tooth and causes pain.
Some wisdom teeth may have three to five roots and if the roots touch the inferior dental nerve you have pain.
Gums covering impacted teeth may develop peritonitis. There is infection and swelling and tooth may decay causing pain due to frayed nerve ending in the pulp.
A cyst may form and the fluid exerts pressure causing discomfort and pain as it swells. The cyst can infect your jawbone and neighboring tooth. Surgery, in such cases, is extended and expensive as well.
You may not feel pain in the initial stages but only slight pressure which you get uses to. However, mesial and distal impaction leave gaps between the teeth that are hard to clean. Food particles accumulate and promote infection that infects the wisdom tooth and neighboring tooth. The result is pain.
Managing pain
You can get temporary relief by using analgesics and hot/cold compress. This, however, is a temporary measure while the problem persists and escalates with passage of time.
Extraction is better
Abnormal wisdom teeth invariably cause problems. Gaps cause food particles to be lodged inside leading to bacterial growth and tooth decay. Neglect can affect the neighboring tooth too. Therefore, it is advisable that if you have wisdom tooth that has not emerged straight then you should consider extraction before the situation deteriorates leading to pain and higher costs of treatment. Extraction is better when the condition is detected early in the formative stages of the tooth. The roots are softer and extraction is quick and relatively painless.
Wisdom Teeth Removal in Melbourne handles wisdom tooth pain and wisdom tooth removal in a relatively pain-free way using specialized techniques. Early action can save a lot of pain and expense later on.
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